windows - Page keeps loading even after I click "Stop" button - Chrome

  • Abdullah Leghari

    I randomly notice some pages keep loading even after I click "Stop" button. Loading animation doesn't stop either.

    Here is a page I've noticed this most recently.

    This is an issue because I've time based billing on my internet where I live during summer and it is simply not affordable to keep waiting for a page to load entirely (I'm mostly concerned with text only which often loads quickly) and to continue using my entire bandwidth (19KBps so must stop the first one before I can open another).

    I have Google Chrome on a Windows Server 2008 box.

    Why is Chrome essentially ignoring "Stop" button? And how to Fix?

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  • Mick

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  • Related Answers
  • John T

    I'd assume it's a bit of javascript code that is preventing you from going back, using history.forward(). All history.forward() does when called is bounce you forward in your browser history, which is what this website seems to be doing. Although if you click repeatedly fast enough (3 fingers on the mouse type of deal), you can :)