script - scriptable image viewer for Windows

  • Jisang Yoo

    What are some image viewers on Windows that can be scripted?

    For example, the user opens a folder in the image viewer and he/she wants to mark some images in the folder for deletion. The user may invoke an embedded script that mark some images in a folder for deletion based on some rules regarding filename, modified date, image size, and then he may manually mark some of the rest, unmark some of the marked images, then press some button to delete all images that are marked for deletion.

    Non-scriptable image viewer will fail him as soon as the rules he want to use for automatic mark for deletion gets complicated.

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    Does anyone know of any free image viewer (or preferably editor) that can work with very large images (say, 30,000 x 30,000 pixel PNG or JPGs)? I know Photoshop works with those well and renders them very well, but other programs are either slow or use huge amounts (gigabytes) of memory. The built-in Windows previewer is almost good, but it's still a bit slow and uses a bit too much memory, and it's also not an editor... does anyone know of any such software?

    Edit: A programming library would also be fine, so long as it works for large images.

  • Related Answers
  • darioo

    Try GIMP or Both are free image editors so you might have some luck with them.