Stretching a window to the full-screen resolution

  • kirillkh

    I'm using Windows 7. To work around a particular bug in a computer game (World of Tanks), I would like to configure it to run in a windowed mode, but then "simulate" full-screen mode, i.e. stretch the game window to the full resolution of the screen and make window decorations and taskbar disappear while the game window is in focus. The game adapts to whatever resolution its window is set to, so scaling is not required (or desired).

    I used to do exactly this trick in a similar situation in Linux, and it was easily handled by settings inside KDE. How do I do this in Windows?

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    Windows 7 screen resolution
  • dsteele

    I have an HP110 netbook with Intel 945 Express graphics chipset. The basic screen resolution is 1024 x 576. When this machine had Windows XP installed, you could go into the graphics properties, uncheck the 'Monitor Settings/Hide modes that this monitor cannot display' checkbox and select, for instance, 1024x768. This gave you a scrolling viewport that was larger than the actual screen.

    I installed Windows 7 and the checkbox is greyed out, so I cannot select 1024x768. Does anyone know how to get this checkbox activated, or to get a viewport larger than the screen? Is it a property of the Win7 driver, or is there perhaps a registry entry I can modify?

    I have installed the current Win7 driver from Intel's site.

  • Related Answers
  • Guy Thomas

    My guess is that you need a Windows 7 driver for your graphics card.

    See what the Device Manager says? A question mark or nothing.

  • AdamV

    You might be able to use this free utility: Display Changer It has a command line mode which allows you to use switches to override things like checking for supported resolution. I also use this when I have my laptop on the desk and a large TFT next to it higher up, to get the mouse to move smoothly from one to the other in the overlapping region (ie so the top of the laptop screen is offset to be about halfway down the TFT)

  • Dortz

    Get the actual Intel 945 Express graphics driver for windows 7. It 'might' be something with windows installing a 'good' match driver. It'll work, but not as good as it can. Win7 has been better with finding drivers, but still gets it wrong once and a while.