TeamViewer keyboard input not working

  • Mark

    I am logged into a remote computer with TeamViewer. I can see the remote desktop which is asking for me to enter my passcode. However when I type my passcode on the keyboard, nothing is being entered. In short my keyboard input is not coming through at the other end. Mouse gestures seem to be working however.

  • Answers
  • slhck

    You need to ensure keyboard is enabled on the client end. Ensure remote control is activated.

    You do this on the bar which appears when a connection is established on the client end.

  • Related Question

    Block keyboard and mouse input of remote user in Teamviewer session
  • Mehper C. Palavuzlar

    I'm using Teamviewer to help my family members with their computer problems. Sometimes they use the mouse and keyboard when I'm in the middle of something important. I don't want to tell them not to do it, instead I want to block their keyboard and mouse input when I'm connected to their machine.

    I couldn't find an option to do this in Teamviewer preferences. Does anybody know how to do it?

  • Related Answers
  • Community

    On the computer itself you need to enable it in Extras>Options>Advanced>Advanced settings for connecting to this computer>Full access.

    When you are connected to remote computer use Menu Actions - disable remote input

  • RSMoser

    You do this from the remote computer after you have connected. When using Windows on the remote computer, Click on the "Actions" tab (Gear) at the top of the screen and select "Disable Remote Input". When remoting in from an Ipad, Click on the "Actions" (wrench) tab at the bottom of the screen and select "Disable Remote Input". I have not used Teamviewer on a Mac or IPhone so I am not sure of the exact steps. But it still should be under the "Actions" Menu.

  • Ahmed Hamdy

    To be added to the current answer, you are better use

    Disable remote input and show black screen. From action menu.

    This way the remote computer will have a disabled screen, keyboard and mouse.