windows 7 - “utorrent.exe” simply will not end

  • Sathya

    Possible Duplicates:
    Kill window or application just like linux do
    Cannot Kill Process in Vista 64

    I had closed an instance of utorrent. The task no longer appears in Applications, however the process utorrent.exe appears in Processes tab of Task Manager. I tried to kill using:

    • Kill process button in Task Manager
    • Kill process option in SysInternals Process Explorer
    • Suspend, resume, restart in SysInternals Process Explorer
    • command prompt by using the command taskkill /f /im utorrent.exe
    • Stop-Process commandlet in Windows PowerShell.

    All of these have failed, the process just doesn't end. I cannot restart uTorrent because of the existing process running. Is there anyway I can kill this without having to resort to a system reboot ? I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate, OEM.

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  • Questioner

    Currently i am using the system monitor of gnome. It is like task manager, and has a function to end process, but sometimes this makes everything freeze and it locks up. Is there any way to fully end a process with command line faster?

  • Related Answers
  • vava

    Try xkill, there's applet you could put to your panel. You just click on it, then click on the window of application you'd like to kill and it's gone instantly. Very handy.

  • John T

    You are looking for the kill command

    to end a process "fully" as you requested, you can use kill like so:

    kill -9 PID

    although this may have unwanted effects and can leave behind temporary files and such, you should try sending the terminate signal first:

    kill -TERM PID

    where PID is the id of the process you wish to kill. Using the -9 switch will kill the process no matter what so be careful with this. You can determine a PID of an application using the ps command. If the process is hanging, it is likely using a fair bit of resources, so you would also see it near the top of the list using the top command. System monitor should even tell you the PID.

    You could also use something like this to determine the PID:

    ps -ax | grep program_name

    the number on the far left should be the PID.

  • jtimberman

    You can use kill to send the desired signal to the process ID. You can find the process ID with pgrep, and send a signal to a named process with pkill. The pattern used to look for the process with pgrep and pkill is normally only matched against the process name. Specify -f to check the entire command line of the process. Start with a TERM signal (it's the default if no signal is specified) before using KILL ('9'), as outright killing a process may have undesirable side effects.

    For sake of example, I'll use the dhclient3 process on my system.

    Old way, ps | grep:

    $ ps awux | grep dhclient3
    root      2539  0.0  0.1   2200   220 ?        S<s  Jul28   0:00 dhclient3 -pf /var/run/ -lf /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.eth0.leases eth0
    1000     12734  0.0  0.5   3184   732 pts/3    R+   21:58   0:00 grep dhclient3

    Kill the dhclient:

    $ kill -9 2539

    With pgrep/pkill:

    $ pgrep dhclient

    With -f to specify a pattern anywhere in the commandline:

    $ pgrep -f leases

    Kill the dhclient process with pkill (signal before -f pattern):

    $ pkill -f dhclient3
    $ pkill -9 -f dhclient3

    About signals (from the kill man page):

    The default signal for kill is TERM. Use -l or -L to list available signals. Particularly useful signals include HUP, INT, KILL, STOP, CONT, and 0. Alternate signals may be specified in three ways: -9 -SIGKILL -KILL. Negative PID val‐ ues may be used to choose whole process groups; see the PGID column in ps command output. A PID of -1 is special; it indicates all processes except the kill process itself and init.

  • OscarRyz

    I usually do:

    ps -feax | grep "TaskNameHere"

    Which returns the PID of the task


    kill -9 the_process_id
  • codeLes

    I like to use killall as it will allow you tab through the names of the running process and if your using zsh it will give you a nice list of running processes. Start with the first letter of the process you want to kill and hit Tab.

    killall fi

    hitting tab there will show that I have 'firefox' available. repeat the command and if it says something about no process was killed then you accomplished your task.

  • Gnoupi

    Note that if the hanged process is a window, you have a "button" to add in Gnome toolbar, to terminate a process (you click on it, then on the concerned window)

    edit : "Force Quit" is the name of it

  • William Pursell

    You want psdoom. This is a first-person shooter game in which the monsters are associated with a pid. Killing a monster sends a SIGKILL to the associated process. It is perhaps not the most efficient way to kill a process, but it may be the most entertaining.

  • Bryce

    I would also like to add xkill. When call this from a terminal ( or a run command prompt) your cursor will change into a skull or crossbones icon, or an "X" icon. And then the next time you click on a window (any window) that application will get killed.

    I found this command to be a little more intuitive and user friendly.