Does associating a Microsoft Account to a Local Account provide at least the same Windows 8 functionality as using only an MS Account?

  • Kerry

    When installing Windows 8 you are asked I you want to use a Microsoft Account or a Local Account.

    If you want to control the name of your USERPROFILE path you need to create a Local Account with the desired USERNAME and then associate an MS account to it. Answer: How to choose a username when using a Microsoft Account in Windows 8?

    Is there ANY difference in functionality (SkyDrive, settings/app sync, etc.) related to creating a Local Account with a desired username first and then associating it with a Microsoft Account later (instead of using ONLY a Microsoft Account without a Local Account)?

    I want to control the name of my USERPROFILE path but am not sure if this "Local + Microsoft Account" approach causes any loss in functionality or if it provides a superset of functionality.

    Why do I want to control the USERNAME and USERPROFILE path by using a Local Account?

    Let's say your username is "bill" and your email address is "[email protected]".

    If you choose to use a Local Account, you get a nice "clean" USERPROFILE path of:

    • C:\Users\username

      Or in this example, C:\Users\bill

    If you choose to use only a Microsoft Account, with the email of "[email protected]", you get a "messy" USERPROFILE path of:

    • C:\Users\first_five_chars_of_email+_three_digit_counter

      Or in this example, C:\Users\bgate_000

    I do not like the path name to my user files to be in the latter format.

    I want a clean USERPROFILE path of "C:\Users\bill" instead of the "C:\Users\bgate_000" but I do not know if anything will be "less seamless" if I use the "Local+Microsoft Account" approach instead of the "Microsoft Account-only" approach.

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  • Santosh Chandavaram

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    I have a user who has been using her local windows xp user profile. Now with Active Directory implementation, I want to have the same profile associated to her new domain account profile. I know I can transfer files and folders manually. But I want to know if there is a way to associate profiles?

  • Related Answers
  • 8088

    My answer from a duplicate question:

    Easiest way to transfer your profile to the domain is :

    Go to system properties by Control Panel > System, or the easiest way is to press Windows Flag+Pause/Break.

    Go to the advanced tab (XP and before), or click on "Advanced system settings" (Vista and 7).

    (You may have to start by changing type to "Roaming Profile")

    Click settings under "User Profiles", then find your user and choose the copy to option. Simply choose \servername and wherever your profiles are kept.

    alt text

    With Active Directory users and computers, make this the profile path and next time you login, it should pull this profile from the server.

  • r0ca

    No, you will have to move the files manually to the new domain profile.

  • Chris_K

    Files & Settings Transfer wizard is probably a step above manually copying